

Pawel Althamer
exploring the site for
skulptur projekte muenster 07
Roman Mensing /
Art is what will have been Art.
Dear Picture Editor,
artdoc.de presents an Image Library dedicated to just one Subject:
Contemporary Visual Art.
artdoc.de supplies Documentation and Archiving Services.
For Picture Research you will find Artists and Shows alphabetically listed. An
Artist's Name listed means: Photographic Documentation of at least one major
Work is on stock -
in many cases artdoc.de will also be
able to supply a recent Portrait. All Shows listed are
In fact, as I concentrate on full Documentation Service for big Artshows, you
will find some of the last Decade's big Events.
some sample Images on this site but do not hesitate to
send your individual request.
Please understand that the use of all Images is Copyright-protected.
artdoc.de represents exclusively the Publication Rights of photographic
Images - please make sure to arrange for the Artists' Rights with their
Representatives (VG Bildkunst etc.).
Looking forward to your Call,
Roman Mensing / Photographer
